This page is intended to be a place to find news and updates about creators, changes to our website, and other things we find important or relevant to our mission.
Make your voices heard on X by tagging our government officials in your posts and replies. I have been compiling this list, and will update it occasionally. Every time someone comments or likes a post they are tagged in, they will receive a notification! It also includes websites to find your senators/representatives, and the number to the Capital Switchboard. Remember, keep it friendly/respectful, but firm!
Government Accounts on X
This week, Donald Trump and Elon Musk Created X Pages for all of the DOGE teams. Use the links below to find the pages, and tag them in your X posts so that they are copied on your post and alerted whenever someone likes or replies to your post!
@DOGE Department of Government Efficiency
@DOGECOMMITTEE House Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency
@DOGE_USDA Department of Agriculture
@DOGE_FAA Federal Aviation Administration
@DOGE_HUD Housing & Urban Development
@DOGE_ED Department of Education
@DOGE_DOI Department of the Interior
@DOGE_DOJ Department of Justice
@DOGE_OMB Office of Management and Budget
@DOGE_NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
@DOGE_NPS National Park Service
@DOGE_OPM Office of Personnel Management
@DOGE_SBA Small Business Administration
@DOGE_SSA Social Security Administration
@DOGE_STATE Department of State
UPDATE 2025 01 20: The Prepared Mind Channel on ScrewTube is officially dead. John got a notice in the middle of the night that it was removed for violation of YT's "medical disinformation" policy. When he clicked the button to contest the 3rd strike/removal, he basically got a fuck you...
Links to the backup channels can be found on the I-P directory page, and you can still join us weekdays and Sundays at:
https://www.thePreparedMind.CLUB , , or on X
Please join us on X if you can, be part of the conversation, so we can re-build our community there!
UPDATE 2024 12 19: John received a notification from SCREWTube this morning that they have demonitized The Prepared Mind channel through March 18th, 2025, for "harmful content". Not sure where this is going, but it doesn't look good. Stay tuned for further updates...
As ScrewTube continues to issue strikes and demonetize us, we are starting the process of transitioning to, and making X the primary platform for The Prepared Mind Channel ! We had a great turn out (over 400 viewers) at the first X-ZOO last night. Please join us there, and FOLLOW so that we can get to 2,000 FOLLOWERS and unlock all the features to make the channel even better! Click this link: or search for @mypreparedmind on Twitter / X .
The X platform is new to many of us, and we're still trying to figure a few things out. For example, many people were having problems finding/commenting in the Live Chat. In order to comment on X, you must have an account (Free or Premium accounts work). Hope to see you all there soon, and let's figure this out together!!! Be sure to catch John's annual readings of Twas The Night Before Christmas, and Hookers And Blow !!!
~Semper Fi and Merry Christmas!!!
~John, Joleen, and Oliver
2024 12 22: We are LIVE at the ZOO on X!!!
Trump and RFK Jr. set up two new websites this week to let America make their voices heard on who should be running the country and what issues are most important to you. SIGN UP TODAY AND MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD!!!
This one lets you weigh in on nominees for Trump administration appointments.
This one lets you choose the top 20 policies most important to you.
2024 11 15
UPDATE: Today, Alex Jones stated that a federal court has overturned the bankruptcy auction for InfoWars, citing improprieties. That is good news for freedom of speech and law & order, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that this doesn't have a slight smell of a promotional stunt... Don't forget our motto...QUESTION EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, INCLUDING US!!!
2024 11 14
It was announced today, that the liberal (used to be funny) rag, The Onion, purchased InfoWars in a bankruptcy auction and shut it down. None of the search engines were listing links to his new website, so we have posted it below for anyone looking for it.
We have received multiple requests for information about where to donate to groups supporting the relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The Prepared Mind and The R-Syndicate are not familiar with this area, and have not vetted any of the following groups. The following is a list of groups recommended by our audience/supporters. Please do your research before sending any money, supplies, or other donations.
Please send any other recommendations to and we'll put them up here
Pinball's group has raised a large amount of money and are working to get supplies to Newport, TN, Greeenville, NC.
Bear's group has been assigned 3 counties in Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina by TEMA (Tennessee Emergency Management Administration). Their base of operations is at 104 Cherry Grove Road, Jonesboro, TN. Video with Details: is looking for volunteers. Find out where help is needed and sign up at: is accepting donations and are sending truckloads of supplies to the people.
Ryan Hall is a weather channel and is raising funds and providing assistance. Find more information at
During the Prepared Mind livestream on 7/27/2023, John and OOMAN discussed the failed climate change predictions over the decades. We are compiling a list of all the failed predictions related to climate change and other doomsday predictions to discuss during a show next week. Keep an eye out for that! We will also be putting a copy of that list up on the R-Syndicate Referenc Mat'l page. In the meantime, please give this article from 2008 by John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel, a read!
UPDATE: Here is a link showing historical data on barn fires and animal deaths: This shows that we had a spike in 2019, before the fear-porners started hyper-focusing on this problem and declaring "OUR FOOD PRODUCTION IS UNDER ATTACK!!!"
OpEd - by OOMAN
A lot of YouTube channels have been screaming “Our Food Production Facilities Are Under Attack!!!”. I have not seen anything other than a list of facilities, dates, and the type of “attack”. These have ranged from: FIRES!!!, to EXPLOSION!!!, and PLANES CRASHING INTO BUILDINGS!!! I challenge everyone that starts reading this to have the mental fortitude to read this to the end, and resist the urge to start screaming “DENIER!!!!!”.
I was having a conversation about this with Steve from the Corsair Trainers channel, and we were both getting a feeling this story was being over-hyped. Instead of starting to scream into the interwebs, we decided to look into it further and do some research!
Our starting point was a list that was floating around that contained 23 locations that had incidents. The Claim was all of those were from 2022. 7 of them dated back to 2021 and earlier, and the Walmart fire in Indiana was listed twice. I added one newer one that wasn’t on the list, so we have 16 “attacks” to look at. It might be helpful to download the PDF or Excel Spreadsheet that is also posted at and follow along.
The first thing I did was find numerous articles about each of these incidents. I included the links to the articles that provided the most details or latest updates to each situation. I noticed that MOST of the locations on this list were not food “PRODUCTION” facilities at all. I created categories and color coded them on the spreadsheet.
The first category I created was “Red” for BUUUUUULLSHIT!!! There were two that without a doubt fall into this category. First, the Bonanza Meat Company fire in El Paso, TX on 2/15. If anyone bothered to read past the first paragraph or two, they would see that the building was VACANT, but had Bonanza Meat Co. painted on the wall !!!! Second, was the General Mills airplane crash story out of Georgia on 4/21. The story clearly states that the plane crashed NEAR the facility into a remote tractor trailer storage PARKING LOT. Plane was having engine trouble at takeoff, control tower knew about it, it crashed, and the pilot is dead.
The second category I created was “Orange” for Grocery Stores, Butcher Shops, and Food Pantries. By definition, Grocery Stores and Food Pantries do not meet the definition of a “Food Processing Plant”. Small family owned butcher shops may “process” meat, but none on this list are on the scale of being a “plant” or having a significant effect outside of their immediate areas. There were 4 incidents that fell into this category:
Being a small business owner myself, I do not mean to downplay or demean the losses these businesses suffered. My heart goes out to them and the communities that they serve. That, however, does not change the fact that these were not huge “Food Production Plants”, that the fear mongers and master click-baiters are portraying.
The third category I created was “Yellow” for minor producers, supplementary products or distribution related facilities. Again, these are by definition not “Food Processing Plants”, and will not have a catastrophic impact on food supplies in the U.S.. There were 5 incidents that fell into this category:
The fourth category I created was “Blue” for Major Distribution Facility. The only incident that tell into that category was the Walmart fire in Plainfield, Indiana on 3/16. While Walmart is a major distributor of food, they do not Process food at their facilities, and food is only a portion of what they distribute. I do not know the breakdown of food vs. other goods, so you can decide if it should go under Green or Yellow for yourselves, and adjust the numbers accordingly.
Finally, the 5th category I created was “Green” for actual Food Production Facilities. There were four that fell into this category:
At the end of the day, I do not believe ANY of these accidents are the result of a focused effort on destroying our food supply. If they are, all but three or four of them TOTALLY SUCK at choosing their targets!!! Most of these incidents can be explained by accidents, negligence, lack of maintenance, and possibly even things like disgruntled current/former employees or insurance fraud. Those three or four are also the only ones that would have any (minor) significant nationwide, long lasting effects. When you look at the big picture, which includes the size of our country and all of the other plants out there, these are not even going to be a blip on the radar.
The following are the numbers of “Fires, Explosions, Crashes” at various food processing plants since 2017:
There is no context or criteria given as to what is considered a Food Processing Plant, so I cannot say it is an apples-to-apples comparison. Even so, if we are currently at 4 food processing plants, according to my criteria, four months into the year, we would be on target for 12 for the full year. 12 is not that far off from the 11 in 2021, and does not raise the bar high enough for me to consider the crisis that the Fear Mongering Master Click-Baiters are making this out to be. All it takes is a few exaggerated stories like this to land us in a crisis like we saw with the Great TP Shortage! Don’t get sucked into the HYPE!!!
Let me know what you think, and tell me if I’m missing something. I really want to know if there is something I’m getting wrong here. You can send me your feedback at Thank you, if you had the mental fortitude to get all the way to the end, and give this some serious thought…
-OOMAN / Oliver
Lots of folks have been citing a study from the Society of Actuaries Research Institute, claiming it is "proof" death rates in the US are up 120% (Link Below). I DO NOT dispute ANY of the data it contains.
Once again, we see that folks are either accidentally or intentionally mis-reporting the data that is presented…proving there are morons on both sides of the aisle that are either pushing an agenda or too stupid to interpret/understand data. Start on page 4. I’m sure that the low IQ folks screaming about “DEATH’s ARE UP 122% IN THE 35-64 AGE GROUPS !!!”, see the number, let confirmation bias kick in, and never bother to read the report to see what the numbers actually mean! That number represents a RATIO of the ACTUAL death rate vs. the EXPECTED death rate, which means that the number of people that died was 122% of the number they were expecting would die. In other words, there was a 22% increase over their PROJECTION! KEEP IN MIND THAT WE ARE NOT LOOKING AT ACTUAL DEATH RATE INCREASES IN THESE REPORTS! WE ARE LOOKING AT ACTUAL vs. EXPECTED (made-up number that has no relevance to actual increases in death rates).
On Page 5/Table 1/TOTAL Column, it shows that the ACTUAL vs. EXPECTED death rates 3/2020-1/2021 for under 15yo’s was 96.5%, or a 3.5% DECREASE in expected deaths. Rates for all 15-64+yo’s, was at 122-123%, or a 22-23% increase over the EXPECTED PROJECTED numbers. Overall total population experienced a 22% increase in EXPECTED deaths, not the 122% increase everyone is incorrectly screaming about causing people to panic.
On Page 5/Table 2 TOTAL Column, it shows that the from 1/2021 – 1/2022, EXPECTED deaths in the 15-64yo range were 131% of the EXPECTED number, or a 31% increase in EXPECTED deaths. Over the entire population, the actual number of EXPECTED deaths was 117.3%, or a 17.3% increase over EXPECTED.
Now, let’s take this one step further!!! We still don’t know what the ACTUAL increases of deaths was year over year. Keep in mind that numbers in the report are INSURANCE COMPANY PROJECTIONS, not actual death reports!!! They are comparing the number of people that actually died to the number of people they expected to die. They are not comparing the number of people that actually died in 2019 to the actual number that died in 2020, or actual numbers that died in 2020 to actual number in 2021, actual 2021 to actual 2022! The numbers could be that much higher, because the insurance companies didn’t expect deaths to increase as much as they did. Maybe they thought the numbers would be less because people were locked up and not doing dangerous stuff like driving their cars, crossing streets while taking a walk, or KILLING EACHOTHER because they were under stay at home orders!!! Perhaps they thought the vaccines would reduce the “Covid” deaths shown in their tables, but they didn’t!!! The following are numbers from the CDC:
Total Increase US Pop.
Year Deaths In Deaths Population Increase
2015 2.71 M +3.0% 324.6 M +0.8%
2016 2.74 M + 1.1% 327.2 M +0.8%
2017 2.81 M +2.6% 329.8 M +0.8%
2018 2.84 M + 1.1% 332.1 M +0.6%
Covid Identified late 2019
2019 2.85 M +0.4% 334.3 M +0.7%
3/2020 lockdowns started, 12/2020 JJJ Started
2020 3.38 M +18.6% 335.9 M +0.5%
Virus still spreading through population
2021 3.46 M +2.4% 337.0 M +0.3%
2022 N/A N/A 338.3 M +0.4%
TOTAL deaths in 2019 were actually down compared to historical average increases of 1.1% -3%/year. My guess is that the Actuaries thought that after the spike in 2020, the vax would bring the death rates back down to pre-2020 levels, less ~1.5% annual increases, which works out pretty close to that 117% number they show for 1/2021 – 1/2022. Instead, the vax didn’t work and the numbers continued to go up at a “normal” level year over year.
The death rates already spiked in 2020, before the vaccines even came out. Average population growth from 2000-2015 has been between 0.8% - 1.0%. During the worst year in 2020, it fell to .5%. That means net population change was probably only between .3% to .5% (1,000,000 – 1,680,000 people lost). If we actually had a 120% increase in deaths, those numbers should have been up by 4,056,000 people or a total of 7,436,000 people total! Declines in population growth are also probably due to people staying home and not having babies and an aging population, but appears to be on the increase again in 2022. There is nothing here to indicate that actual deaths amongst ANY AGE GROUPS is up 100%+. People are deceptively or ignorantly using statistics to scare people, and that PISSES ME OFF!!!!! If deathrates were up that much, the 2-4 funerals a month I see at each of the two funeral homes I pass twice a day, every day, would be up to 4-9 per month each. That would be very noticeable. We all would be noticing stuff like that in the real world!!! My guess is that we will see a % decrease in total deaths for 2022 or 2023. I’m guessing we get back around 3 million total deaths per year.
When you compare EXPECTED numbers to ACTUAL numbers, you are comparing a projection to a result. If I project/guess 100 people will die of XXXX, and 1,000 people die of XXXX, that would be 1,000% of my projection, but a minuscule number compared to the population. Be VERY careful and skeptical about how people use statistics!!! If I'm seeing this wrong, please let me know how, by emailing me at the address below.
-Oliver / OOMAN
This weekend, we had a great R-Syndicate get together at Indiana Beach in Central Indiana! We met some new friends (Mr. & Mrs. Hoosierlife), and saw some old friends as well (Sharlan, Krystyne, YankeeWatchdog, Majik, & RonStryker). Yes, you heard that right! YankeeWatchdog drove all the way out from COLORADO!!!
Lots of good food, cold drinks, great conversation, and a day at the coolest little amusement park we've never heard of! Indiana Beach is an old-school park, that is reasonably priced, short lines, and has plenty of stuff for the kiddies and adults as well! There are 3 bars, and feature live music! Top that off with a fireworks show, and you've got one helluva weekend! Thanks to everyone for coming out!!! Hope to meet many more of you on the next outing. Location TBD...
You can watch the highlight video here:
Earlier this month, a document was leaked showing PayPal was planning to change it's TOS (terms of service) to add the ability for PayPal to automatically fine customers upto $2,500/incident for things they deem to be mis-information. Despite saying the leaked letter was a mistake/not true, that they would not implement such a policy (after their stocks tanked 24%), PayPal silently announced/released a slightly changed version of this policy yesterday. The policy is reportedly going into effect on 11/3/2022. In response, we at The Prepared Mind Channel and at The R-Syndicate, have closed our PayPal accounts, and encourage everyone else to do so as well.
There are many other options out there, although not as universally accepted as PP. We have chosen to use Cash.App because they seem to be the best option out there for freedom loving Americans. We are not aware that they have banned any customers for political ideology. If that changes, so will we! In the mean time, you can continue to support The R-Syndicate and The Prepared Mind Channel at:$TheRSyndicate$ThePreparedMind
Thank you to everyone out there for continuing to support our efforts!
2022 03 23: A friend just told me about this FREE APP for discounts on Diesel at Truck Stops and many other stations and wanted to share it with you. Whether you're driving a Big Truck, RV, or Diesel Pick-Up, this app will get you discounts at participating stations without the hassle of getting a fuel card and credit checks. You can use your existing credit or debit card. Savings look to be around $0.50/gallon in my area in northern Illinois. Truck stops are usually higher than local stations, but the prices shown are still $0.30/gallon lower than the cheapest station around here. They are currently offering a $10 fuel credit when you sign up! Click the link below or the image to the right to get the app and sign up:
My biggest concern was giving my credit card information, but then I remembered all the fraud warnings I get when traveling and filling up multiple times per day and often times in different states. My credit card company told me (off the record) certain stations are flagged for fraud cases and will trigger a fraud alert when you use your card there. All charges go through MUDFLAP, so only one place is getting your card info.
Earlier this month, PatreonHTF when it went woke. John has been doing his daily live Q&A's every afternoon on ScrewTube in the Zoooo format, while a new platform was prepared. We are happy to announce that we have found a new home for all the premium content and live Q&A's. Join John every M-F afternoon on ThePreparedMind.CLUB or SubscribeStar, for Live Q&A's where there are NO SuperChats required to get your questions answered!!! or
2nd VOTE is a website developed to show you how companies and major corporation spend their money and what causes, groups, ideologies, and political groups they support. We need to stop shopping at companies that support anti-American causes and values. Please visit their website today and start paying attention to where you spend your money, and the causes you are unknowingly supporting by doing so. Spread the word so that we hurt them in the only place they really care about, their pocketbooks!!!
Big thanks to Caz at 4thDimension for finding this info! Turns out that the whole Q-anonsense movement is eerily similar to a psy-op used by the Soviet Union in the 1920's! The Soviets created a fake anti-Bolshevik movement supposedly headed by high ranking members of the military that were opposed to the communist take over. The plan was called "Operation Trust". The operation was used to identify the opposition and keep the monarchs from making any moves against the Bolshevik's, while they waited for the fictitious military group to come to their rescue. Don't believe us, just search for "Bolshevik Operation Trust" in your favorite browser, and you'll find LOTS of information about this!
A successful psy-op will tell you 9 truths to sell you 1 lie. - Unknown
It's easier to fool people, than to convince them they've been fooled! - Mark Twain
The first R-Syndicate Across America Tour is complete! It was a great trip, and videos are now all posted. Check out the links below. We look forward to doing another tour in the spring, and hope to get down to Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Hope to meet a lot more great creators and R-Syndicate members when the weather breaks. Send emails to , if you would like to participate and we'll see if we can get together in your area!!! Colorado Springs and a visit from Mike, the YankeeWatchdog! Northern Arizona, the Grand Canyon, and visits with Von (Back Country Preps), Roger (Detroit Preppin), and Tobin (AZ Off Grid). Littlefield Texas (near Lubbock), a visit with Rob Painless, the Waylon Jennings Museum at Waymore's with James & Hellen Jennings, and a stop in Houston.
The R-Syndicate
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